A Solution for all Types of Bulk Storage
We design and build automated modular reclaim systems for the efficient unloading of a wide range of bulk products.
Our reclaim systems are based on a unique technology using controlled vibrations.
Along with the highest discharge performance, they provide many practical benefits in the safety and efficiency of bulk material operations.
| System Architecture: Conical

| System Architecture: Linear

We install our systems in all types of bulk storage equipment.
Whether you handle grain, pellets or other bulk products, our system will be tailored to your specific needs.
| Concrete Silos

| Rectangular Silos

| Steel Silos

| Domes

| Trains

| Ships

| Containers

| Trucks

We deliver integrated, fit for purpose, turnkey solutions.
In every project, we consider with care the specifics of the bulk material process.
Based on our bulk product knowledge and the required performance, we select the optimal design for your application:
| Conical

| Linear V

| Linear W

| Rectangular/Square

| Ship Holds